Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What must have happened in Poland?

Do you remember the dialogue - "Polandine kurichu mathram mindaruthu"?
Sreenivasan's character says this in the movie "Sandesham" when Jayaram's (who did the right inclined younger brother) character criticises Poland.
I was a kid and laughed the heck out when I watched this movie first time. Even now I search for this video on youtube and I laugh like I am seeing this for the first time.

Often I have wondered - what must have happened in Poland that provoked a leftist character to get so emotional?
Apparently this is what happened in 1981 in Poland - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1981_warning_strike_in_Poland
12-14 million Polish citizens did a warning strike against the ruling Communist party and it was one of the biggest strikes against a ruling Communist grovernment in World History. Western historians love this incident as it was one of the biggest blow on the face of Communism.

No wonder Sreenivasan said that.
In the next friendly get together you would hear me say that too :-)

1 comment:

  1. In retrospect, that movie was the best critique of indian communists ever in malayalam cinema!! remember the scene where sankaradi explains: "prathikriyaa vadikalum vikhadana vadikalum.... " ? no better way to illustrate how much the party had become aloof from the problems of the people, while still clinging onto the highest ideals and theories!! :-)

    thanks for posting this info. never knew about this strike before reading your blog...
