Monday, August 24, 2009

Where is the real life Bharathchandran IPS?

Living in Keralam has become like seeing a 24x7 Shaji Kailas movie.
The ruling party is lead by a corrupted politician, home ministry is handled by a person who is linked to every hooligan in the state in one way or the other, education handled by a vision-less person who is not even qualified to be a primary school teacher, a political leader who the home ministry thinks as a sufi while every captured terrorist seems to be his security guard in the past, a chief minister who is old and helpless, the opposition that is as good as corpse and lot more bull s**t characters.
Guess what's missing? I wish if a Bharathchandran comes out with a blast in the background. A savior who can fix this in a reasonable time. Epics and mythologies tell that when the evil reaches the culmination a savior would come to save us. However, from what we see it gets worse only day by day.
I don't know who Paul George was. But the guy got stabbed multiple times and killed. And the IG comes out with an unbelievable story that the whole thing was unplanned and happened in spur of moment. Within a 6 minutes time gap one of the richest guy in state's finance industry was right in a place with state's two rival quotation groups in the right time and one of the 22 decided to stab the guy. Remember Dasavatharam movie? The movie brings up a similar concept where destiny brings unrelated people to the same place, same time for making things happen. Even Kamalhasan couldn't convince the viewers, I don't know how successful IG is going to be.

Irrespective of what we think, what we don't believe, the case is going to be sidelined to save faces of all the idolized politicians of our era. I am sure it will worsen as time progresses.
UPA and KPCC is taking a short cut to success. They know for sure that LDF will screw with Keralaites so much that in the upcoming election, we are going to vote UDF back to cockpit. So why mess with the ruling party, right? Ummanchandi and Ramesh chennithala are sleeping well and preserving their energies for an upcoming fight for CM position in near future.

In the current pace, Kerala 2020 will be a new Bihar or may be a more fuming Bihar.
There will engineering graduates driving taxies and auto rickshaws, north part of Kerala looking more like Pakistan than India, real estate mafia dons getting honorary IPS..

And will there be a savior or saviors coming to save the state?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

While at your grace..

I have been trying hard to keep up with the news these days. The media is overwhelmed with domestic and international politics. Once Iran settles for whatever evil it is destined to, Afghansitan goes through another election turmoil. Barack (well, Obama) goes through another disaster in convincing Americans about health care reforms.

When the whole world is racing to reach first on generating headlines, India brings up another cliche'd allegation - "SRK subject to racial profiling in United States by being asked to go through security check". Most readers on Times Of India were weeping their heart out in this unbelievable incident.
Deja vu??
Well not, Former President Mr Kalam was asked go through a security screening in Indira Gandhi Airport few weeks back.
Deja vu??
Nope, Our then defense Minister Mr.George Fernandez was "strip checked" (quote:Media) in an airport in United States in 2003 and 2004.

Okay, let us rewind back and look at these events more objectively than emotionally. If you are a nationalist-right-out-of-movie, then you may stop reading here.

Defense minister's incident - Mr. Fernandez later denied that he wasn't strip checked by Airport security, but instead asked to put his jacket, shoes and socks in a tray to scanned under X-Ray.
Sounds familiar? Yep, this is the same thing we all do when we travel abroad. If this is strip checking, then, yeah many of us have seen tons of naked men and women in Airport!

Former Prez incident - I learned an interesting aspect about an aero bridge. The aerobridge is the thing that connects a flight to airport building. The aerobridge, by law, is a territory to the country that the airline belongs to (like an Embassy). So by definition our former Prez was no different than being trying to enter a foreign country. The TSA (Transport security Authority) of United States doesn't honor any VIP list a foreign country has provided and will subject the passenger to as much security check that any one else would do. Again, there were no hitting or beating. Our prez was just frisked and walked through an X-Ray scanner. More interestingly, you know the only person who hasn't so far whined about this incident - Mr. Kalam himself!

SRK - Oh come on, I don't even think it is worth writing this. It's simple, anyone's name that pops up for secondary check on a USCIS computer will be further checked. That's all. I think when it comes to movie stars, we Indians are still a "frog in the well". Believe me, they did probably what they are asked by documentation. I was surprised by seeing some unexpected people condemning this "heanous" act. Mr.Pranab mukherji, Mr. Shashi Tharoor etc. I don't know why they did that. As for an average Indian, he or she is least bothered about this. And about racial profiling, looks like most people are out of the Indian context for a long time. A south Indian is still a "madrasi" in Mumbai. A Bihari can't work for a living still in the maratha-land. A Kashmiri muslim won't get a house for rent in most parts of India. And a lot more...

Who was talking about racial profiling by the way?